Thursday, 14 April 2016

W.A.L.T: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance/ probability.

W.A.L.T: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance/ probability.
This shows that I completed my goal.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Term 1 Integrated Learning - Leadership

We have been learning all about What makes a good leader.

We identified that good leaders show 6 main character traits. These are Resilient,Trustworthy, Integrity, Motivational, Active Thinker and Goal Focused

The leadership trait that I think I show the most is resilient because I never gave up in my learning and my leadership roles in PAL's.

The leadership trait I would most like to develop is Motivational because I want to be able to motivate someone towards a goal.

Something NEW I have learned about leadership is how to compare, contrast and explain the strengths of two leaders.

The SOLO level that I reached during this unit of learning is relational because I can compare and contrast the traits of different leaders.
(see slide 2 of the leadership modelling book for this)

My next step in learning about leadership is to apply everything that I have learned about leadership to my own leadership roles.

Visual Art WALT: Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork.

Visual Art WALT: Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork.

For Visual Art the SOLO level I achieved was: Relational

The techniques I used in my art work to achieve this level were: Comparing and contrasting different pattens derived from nature.

Here is a photo of my art work:

My next step in visual art is: Have more space and less different colors on my page.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Merit can do #3

5 of may 2016
Merit evidence for: PAL's
Today I was on kari PAL's and I reminded the other PAL's to do the duty when we played invisible tag with mostly the year 7's and they all knew how to play but me and Cormac cleared up the rules, We had got into the game until in got unfair so we swapped the teams around some of the people were mad about the swapping and got more angry and walked away, that split up the game but lucky it was the end of lunch. We controlled the game pretty well and the learner quality's I used were communication.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

W.A.L.T I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

W.A.L.T  I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

For my “Evaluating Leaders” research I have been researching about Irene Van Dyk and Richie McCaw.

During this unit I have had to use a range of strategies to find the information I needed on Google. This include: Cross-checking, Reference, Advance search tool bar

I have achieved this goal because I can effectively use the advance search tool bar and cross-check my information.

My next step is to set a new reading goal.

W.A.L.T: I can recall commonly used fractions, decimals and percentage conversion.

W.A.L.T: I can recall commonly used fractions, decimals and percentage conversion.
This shows that I have completed this goal.